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Works Cited

"LIberation of the Netherlands. - YouTube." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 June 2013.m<>


"Liberation of the Netherlands | Liberation of the Netherlands." Liberation of the Netherlands | Just another site. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 June 2013. <>.

Counter Points - Exploring Canadian Issues. Toronto, Ontario: Mark Cobham, 2001. Print.

Back ground on the battles:

  • Started on May 10, 1940 with the Germans invading the Netherlands. The Dutch began to resist to the German army.
  • With the Dutch resisting, the Germans threatened to bomb Rotterdam which is the second largest city in the Netherlands.
  • The Dutch didn't want the bombing of Rotterdam to happen so they surrendered on May 14, 1940.
  • However, Rotterdam was still bombed very heavily, because of miscommunication.



The War for the Liberation of the Netherlands began because the allies (France, Poland and the United Kingdom) wanted to end the German Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. But, there were many more events caused by Hitler and the Germans leading up to the invasion that contributed to the outbreak of the war, which was part of World War II:

  • The violations of the Treaty of Versailles:  German re-armament and threats to neighbouring countries
  • Invasions of Austria (1938) and Czechoslovakia (1939)
  • Policy of appeasement by the rest of the world
  • Hitler’s Rise to Power
  • Failure of the League of Nations
  • German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
  • Invasion of Poland
  • Economic Causes - Treaty of Versailles ruined German economy, Germany struggling to pay, inflation
  • Political Causes - Current government didn't have a solution that worked, Hitler claimed to have solutions to pull Germany out of depression

First Battle of Netherlands Outcome:

  • The Germans occupied the Netherlands and either killed or captured all the Jews. The Dutch men were forced to do hard work and labour in German factories that had been setup in the Netherlands.
  • The Dutch people were fed rations of food with their rationing card. More than 18,000 Dutch had starved to death and a majority of the population had malnutrition.

Causes and Background

Second Battle and Liberation:

  • After the successful outcome of “D Day”. The Allies defeated the German fronts and captivated countries on the way to Netherlands.
  • The Battle of Netherlands was a fight between the group of Allies and the Axis forces.The Canadian troops contributed a lot and did most of the damage.
  • May 5, 1945 was the official day that German troops were surrounded and decided to lay down their guns and surrender at the end of the battle.
  • May 6, 1945 the Germans stated that the Netherlands be freed from the German army.


1940: Germans first invade Netherlands

1940: Germans bomb Rotterdam, destroying the whole city

1940-1944: Germans control the Netherlands, slave up the Dutch and build/use Dutch war factories

1944: Allies begin freeing countries from German control

1945: Canadian troops battle the Axis forces in Netherlands

1945: Canadian army defeats and forces the Germans to surrender.

1945: Germany officially surrender and free the Netherlands

1945: Netherlands were officially liberated from Germans

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